teams & partners
One of my biggest passions is to share colorful, happy and healthy food for the mind, body & soul. My cooking is based on the plants and veggies I find close to the retreat center and are changing with the seasons. I love being in the kitchen, experimenting with new exciting combinations so be ready to taste something that you haven’t tasted before. A curious mind is the key to finding the most beautiful things whether it’s food or something else in life. Looking forward to spreading my love, joy and sparkles with you.
For me food is love, so my mission is to create and inspire through authentic and nutritious food, cooked with patience, intention and care. Sustaining the body, inspiring the mind and connecting with the soul.
Inspired by my background that ranges from Ayurveda to Nutritional science, my «food philosophy» is to nourish all our senses and bring Health, Happiness and Harmony.
food: olssonsgård
“At Olsson’s farm we live, Karolina and Kristoffer Kiel Olsson and our three children. We have been walking together since 2012 in love with each other, and with a common desire to live in a more balanced relationship with our earth and the natural resources we surround ourselves with. We have been growing for self-catering for many years, and love the great taste of fresh and naturally grown vegetables. For us, it is a matter of course to add only what is organic and free of chemicals to the soil. Since 2021, we have chosen to invite our surrounding community to partake of this year’s harvest, and we take great pleasure in inviting all who wish to join us on the path to self-sufficiency. When we got in touch with Sibylle and Kärlingesund Retreat Centre in the autumn of 2022, the belief that we can work professionally with cultivation at home on the farm has gained momentum. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that from this summer, 2023, we will start working fully with the cultures at home on the farm. Over the next few years we plan to build up a wide range of nutritious and tasty vegetables to deliver to Kärlingesund Retreat Centre and anyone who wants to visit our farm shop in Lyse outside Lysekil. Our dream is that everyone should have the opportunity to grow and eat sustainable and locally produced food.
Sunniva has a masters degree in Contemporary Improvisation from New England Conservatory, Boston, and she is a certified Deep Listening workshop facilitator. She loves improvising and creating music in the moment!